
Note: The Portfolio Plugin must be installed before these options are available. Install the Portfolio Plugin via Appearance > Install Plugins.

Access the Portfolio Theme Options via Appearance > Theme Options > Portfolio.

Default Portfolio Page Layout

Set the default Layout of the Portfolio pages i.e. Index, Archive, Categories.

Column 1 Sidebar

If you have chosen a Portfolio Page Layout to contain a sidebar, you can choose which side to use on Column 1 here. See Appearance > Theme Options > Layout > Widget Areas to create more than the default 2 sidebar widget areas.

Column 2 Sidebar

If you have chosen a Portfolio Page Layout to contain a sidebar, you can choose which side to use on Column 2 here. See Appearance > Theme Options > Layout > Widget Areas to create more than the default 2 sidebar widget areas.

Display Format

Select the display Format of the posts on Portfolio pages.

  1. Normal will display posts stack on top of each other
  2. Grid will display the posts a grid layout
  3. Masonry Grid will display the posts as a grid layout and optimal position based on available vertical space, like a mason fitting stones in a wall

Grid Columns

Set the number of Columns to display the posts in. Layout Format has to be set to Grid or Masonry Grid.

Boxed Post Style

This option allows you to display posts with a Boxed / Non-Boxed style.

  1. Disabled Boxed Style
  2. Enabled Boxed Style

The Boxed Style is set via the Appearance > Customize > Customize Skins > Body > Element Areas

Parent Portfolio Page

Select a page which acts as the Portfolio home page. By default Portfolio index page will display.

Display Portfolio Page Link

Display a Portfolio home page link at the bottom of each Portfolio Post. This will link back to the parent Portfolio Page.

Display Search Bar

Add a Search Bar to the Blog pages. Choose from the following options:

  1. Disabled
  2. Search Bar – A traditional search bar which will display the results on a search page
  3. Search Filter – Search the posts on that current blog page and it will filter the posts based on the keyword entered
  4. Search Filter + Highlight – This option uses the Search Filter as above, with the added feature of Highlighting the keyword entered within the post


Choose the Blog pagination style using the following options:

  1. Ajax Click Load – This option dynamically loads the posts onto the Blog page and displays a Load More button when more posts are available to load
  2. Ajax Scroll Load – This option is the same as above but instead of a Load More button, it will display more posts when you scroll to the bottom of the page
  3. Page Numbers – This option uses the traditional method of displaying page numbers

The number of posts displayed per page or per ajax load is set via WordPress Admin > Settings > Reading > Blog pages show at most

Featured Image

Choose where to display the Featured Image of a Post. This option can be overwritten via the Post > Post Layout > Featured Image Display

Portfolio Archive Pages

Image Alignment

Choose what position to align Portfolio Page Images.

Image Size

Enter the Portfolio Page Image size. Choose from the following sizes: thumbnail, medium, large, full or set a custom size e.g. 980×400

Single Portfolio Images

Image Lightbox

Choose to enable or disable the lightbox script on Single Post Images.

Image Size

Enter the Singe Portfolio Post Image size. Choose from the following sizes: thumbnail, medium, large, full or set a custom size e.g. 980×400