
Access the Footer Theme Options via Appearance > Theme Options > Footer. 

To Customize the Footer Color, Footer Fonts and Footer Background, goto Appearance > Skin Editor > Footer. 

Footer Display

Choose to Display or Disable the Footer.

Footer Width

Set the Footer width to the Site Width, defined by the the Maximum Site Width value ( Theme Options > Layout ) or the width of the Browser using the Browser Width option.

Footer Padding

Set the Padding of the Footer area. This option is useful to create more space between the Main Content and the Lower Footer area.

Footer Columns

Choose the number of columns to split the footer into. Add widgets to the Footer via Appearance > Widgets > Footer Column(s)

Display Lower Footer

Choose to Display or Disable the Lower Footer.

Lower Footer Left Column

By default this column will display – © Year Site Title

Lower Footer Right Column

By default this field displays Powered by Acoda Theme. To remove this text – simply add your own text or a blank character like: